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Project Update: November-December 2023


What have we been up to?

  • Over the last few months, employment support agencies from across BC have provided us with feedback on the content and language of the Guiding Principles Checklist. We are now doing a final round of testing!  We look forward to sharing the completed resource with you in the new year!

  • Our Youth Advisory Committee has reviewed the first few lessons of our Wellness curriculum, which is part of our Employment Support Model for Youth with Disabilities. We are continuing to build lessons for the other dimensions.

  • Our employer survey was live on the BCMindReader platform for the last couple of weeks. We are looking forward to reviewing the data and sharing learning with you!


Data spotlight: Sneak-peek at the Caregiver Survey Report

In spring of 2022, the project team released the Employment Strategy for Youth with Disabilities in BC: Caregiver Survey. The survey questions were designed to capture caregiver perspectives on the employment support landscape for youth with disabilities. The survey was open to caregivers of youth ages 15 to 30 who reside in BC and whose youth self-identify as having a disability (including mental health and substance use challenges).

Our team is hard at work finishing the Caregiver Survey Report, on track for publication in early 2024. In the meantime, here is a sneak-peek at some of our findings about employment programs from caregiver survey participants.

  • Respondents ranked the top employment supports as “support with resume writing and interview skills”“support with the job search process” and “support with setting employment goals”.

  • Caregiver respondents considered the most important support that is currently missing from employment programs to be “support navigating mental health challenges at work”“Learning life skills,” “job shadowing” and “learning job-specific skills” were also rated highly among missing supports.


What’s next?

The Caregiver and Service Provider Survey Reports are underway. We look forward to sharing both with you in early 2024!

Our offices will be closed between December 23 and January 1, inclusive. We’ll respond to any requests we get during this time when we reopen in January.  We hope you have a happy holiday season!


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