Project Update: August2023
What have we been up to?
We’ve been accepted as speakers at the CannExus conference, hosted by CERIC, in January, 2024! We look forward to sharing what we’ve learned about creating an employment support model for youth with disabilities with a wider audience across Canada.
We’re continuing to gather feedback from the Youth Working Group and a Field Professionals and Subject Matter Experts working group. These groups are currently working with us to develop the structure, learning topics, and curriculum of the model.
Our team is growing!
We have hired two new positions, both of whom will be joining us in September. We’ll share more information about our new Content and Curriculum Developer and our new Communications Assistant in our September update.
What’s next?
The Caregiver Survey Report will be released soon—stay tuned for more information!
The Service Provider Survey Report is also being written. We look forward to sharing it with you in the coming months.
We are nearly done the first round of user testing our Guiding Principles Checklist. A report will be released in the coming months. Round 2 of user testing will start in September.
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